Monday, January 10, 2011

Why NDE Tests May Fail

A study being conducted by Dr. Sam Parnia, the lead investigator in a research project coordinated by Southampton University’s School of Medicine in England, is designed to see if the “maybe” factor can be eliminated from the Near-Death Experience phenomenon.  Less ambitious studies have apparently failed.  It is likely that Parnia's test will fail as well.  If you want to know why, see Mike Tymn's "Why Dr. Parnia’s NDE Test Will Likely Fail". Much of the info presented validates information disclosed in The Risen as well.


At Wed Jan 12, 05:53:00 PM 2011, Blogger ellede said...

Interesting article, August, thank you for posting that link. I skimmed it (can't slack off too much at work!) but two elements struck me particularly. The first was the "maybe" part itself, which made me think of the "fundamaterialists" who would never accept the possibility anyway. They'd always find a reason that "it can't be" even if every "maybe" could be eliminated.

The other and more interesting part was the person who's out of their body not paying attention to stuff around in the room, or whatever. That makes sense to me! I know I'd be trying to get OUT of there - I know Louis would be present and I'd want nothing more than to go Home with him, permanently. I doubt anything else would get my attention at such a moment!

Louise :)

At Wed Jan 12, 06:31:00 PM 2011, Blogger August Goforth said...

The researcher's heart is most definitely in the right
place, but slowed down in understanding perhaps by the inability to make a
connection to the special perception needed for things unseen? It's clear
to us that he's on a path that will lead him in a scientific way to new
ways of seeing, thinking and feeling, all to the good.

At Fri Jan 14, 05:45:00 PM 2011, Blogger robevpau1 said...

August, I too feel that temporal based clinical assessment is possibly doomed to failure, not because of the lack of integrity and intent of the researcher, but due to the 'anti-reductionist' nature of the transitionary process - which is more about a complete metanoia and 'change of focus', about assimilating ourselves into a new non-physical geography, and about the birthing of a 'mind beyond brain' awareness.

In many of the NDE experiences that I have read about, I am made aware of the difficulty of our sensate brains to 'process' any OOBE experience, which is possibly because it is beyond its spectrum of assessment.

Biological reductionism through the physical sciences will only further serve to distort and reduce the significance and impact of pneumatological experiences due to its limited analytical and conceptual modus operandi.

The experience of transition is personally beyond sensate description, but the ego mind with its innate need for structure and definition, continues to try and interpret something 'beyond its conceptual abilities, thus raising more questions about the intricacies of human pathology, than the progression of our souls.

Commendable research,but 'numinous reductionism' is not the way to go!

rob :)


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